Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How can I ask a girl to hang out?

Lately I've been flirting with girls in certain situations ie, work, soccer ect and even getting their numbers. I feel the girls are flirting back and find me attractive. But when it comes down to setting up a meeting time outside of the environment we are comfortable in, like food or a drink, they always have excuses. They don't ignore me they normally just have legitimate excuses as to why they can't hang out! How can I be persistent but not too aggressive? Are these girls, that seem interested just putting on a show to be polite? Should it not be easier to set up a meeting time and place with a female? How do I know if they are truly interested? How do I create a non threatening invitation for them to hang out.

P.S. And of course I want to sleep with them.How can I ask a girl to hang out?
well you can be like hey ive been wanting to see this new movie wanna go with me sometimes. that way theres no specific time or date in the original question and the movies is a preety easy place to spend time without to much pressureHow can I ask a girl to hang out?
O_O well. considering the category this is under im guessing your female. But it's not easy to find woman who are homosexual and if they continuously have an excuse i'm guessing there's an issue. do they know your homosexual?
Just ask for something casual. Coffee or a movie maybe.

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